Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Sorry about the lack of updates! Allotment is still a work in progress! Getting there little by little. We have plants to nurture now. A bargainous apple tree, a chilli plant, strawberries, sage, coriander, parsley, basil and lollo rossa lettuces. We did have carrots too, planted from seed but they seem to have withered in the sun, poor things. Unless I weeded out carrots nor weeds the other day?! :-\ Grass remains an issue: we have a push mower now which will do the job but only once it's been strimmered again. But chicken guy Brett has given me a lead on petrol strimmers for a tenner! Hope it works out as that'd make life so much easier. My arms are probably going to kill tomorrow as I hand clipped the path with shears. We have storage now too. It's making life loads easier. It's not a shed, but is pretty roomy. It's called a Keter Store It Out. Just hope no swines break into it. Really need a compost bin. Keep trying to nab one off Freecycle but they always get snapped up too quickly! I have a plan though involving free wooden crates from the garden centre. Lots more to write, but alas no time except to say that I have allotment envy when I see what other people are achieving on theirs! Pretty sure they don't all work full time though or have a 10 month old! Makes no odds though as I'm thoroughly enjoying chipping away at ours. Love the fresh air and headspace and that it"s so convenient. Must go - apologies for typos (I know there are loads). I'm on my phone and it's awkward to navigate to go back up and change them. Keep gardening! C x